Conversion Chart
View our conversion calculators for help with particulate size, temperature, pressure, flow, volume, and viscosity.
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Champion Process, Inc's “LL” series cartridges are designed to coalesce immiscible non-continuous phase liquids from continuous phase liquids. As fluid passes through these LL coalescers and across the media the tiny suspended droplets of the non-continuous phase are brought together into larger droplets. These larger droplets respond faster to gravity and the two phases separate.
At Champion Process, we provide liquid-liquid coalescers to clients in the U.S. and across the globe. Some of our industry partners include refinery, petrochemical, pipeline, wastewater/municipalities and much more. Below are some of the typical applications for liquid-liquid coalescers.
View our conversion calculators for help with particulate size, temperature, pressure, flow, volume, and viscosity.